
What we need these days is love! And it is not just any love, but what is meant by the Christian Church from the Greek word, “Agape”. That is sacrificial love. That kind of love is described in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians chapter 13:
Love is patient, love is kind… It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs… It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
That’s what this song comes from. But it goes further into the chapter and talks about how we are like children now. But a Day will come when we will see Jesus as He is and then we will be known for who we are. Because He created us He alone knows who we really are.
But one of the biggest things this set of verses points out is that this side of heaven we see through a glass dimly. That should make us humble about our views. We don’t have the corner on the truth, but we are in a relationship with the Truth, when we are in relationship to Jesus. Jesus claims to be the truth. The truth is not just an idea but a Person. Yet we as humans do not know that truth exhaustively. So it’s best for us to speak of what we know for sure and admit that we don’t know everything about everything. Especially it is important to recognize that we may be wrong about some things.
There’s nothing wrong with claiming to know the Truth, for instance when we as Christians say that Jesus is the Truth. But when we make our opinions equal with truth we are in dangerous territory. There may be things which we need to admit we don’t know for sure, such as our political views in this very divided time.
This song is part of an album that you can download for a small donation on our media page: