14 Mar

Control, Corona and Christ

I believe the Lord of the universe is allowing this corona virus to spread because it reminds us that we are not ultimately in control. There are some healthy ways we are called to practice self-control, but there are many unhealthy ways we try to control things that we cannot. And the more we try to take control the worse it gets.

We cannot lengthen our life-span or ultimately control the economy, our health in terms of the day of our death, and we cannot control other people. There is so much in this life we don’t have control over. And this is a stark reminder of that reality, whether we like it or not.

The best thing for us to do is to humble ourselves, change our thinking, let go and let God. Certainly we can wisely take precautions, but instead of panic, we can submit to God. We can submit to His Lordship because He let death take Him, but He also conquered it. He let go, trusted His Father, and rose again.

Those who trust in Him can also be free from the power of the fear of death. Let’s pray for our leaders and love each other in the midst of this, friends.

See related youtube video: https://youtu.be/a42UyTkHB-o