20 Jan

Climate Change?

Turn off the lights when you don’t need them on!

What is the cause of climate change? Most scientists say carbon levels have contributed greatly to climate change and global warming. Some scientists, very few, and conservatives, especially evangelicals, have said it is caused by the natural rhythms of the earth.

But what if greed has been a main factor? Would it be surprising? To my evangelical friends: look around at the effects of the industrial revolution. Look at how it has changed society. We want more, build more factories, we need more cars, bigger houses, more things made in China, overseas, in Mexico, more pollution, more plastic packaging, more traffic…

Would it be surprising if God were judging us by letting us feel the consequences of our greed in the weather itself? My friends in India tell me that it gets hotter by one degree at the hottest time of the year, every year. More folks die…

Revelation 16:8-9: “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify Him…”

What if God is allowing this to wake us up to our greed in the hope that we would repent and change our ways, be content with less, walk or ride bike more? But most importantly He wants us to turn to Him and learn to give Him the glory instead of ourselves.

What do you think? Even if it’s not, would harm would it do if we were better stewards of the earth?

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