Who is like the Lord?

Who is like the Lord?
This is actually the meaning of my name- Mitchell. Michael or Michelle also mean the same thing. It is first and foremost a question. Who is like the Lord? And the answer is no one.
By that we don’t mean that folks aren’t like him in the sense that they are made in His image or can remind us of Jesus. But at the end of the day, none of us are God the Lord. All of us had to be created; all of us rely on God to live.
He is self-existent, eternal with no beginning, the I AM. He alone is set apart as the only true God.
This song is based on a number of Bible passages including Proverbs 3:5, Psalm 113 and Micah/Isaiah- various passages. In first is about God and His transcendence. Then it shows Him stooping down and caring for humanity, especially the poor.
He raises the poor from the dust, lifts them from the ashes, makes them sit with princes with the princes of His people. Who is like the LORD? Who is like the LORD our God? He gives the barren woman a home and makes her the happy mother of children. Who is like the LORD?
He has saved those who know they have need of Him. And He has made them spiritually sit with Him in the heavenly places. That’s good news. But folks have to admit they need it- if they are proud He will honor their insistence not to be saved.
I pray we all will receive Him! That’s why He came at Christmas, for instance. God became human that we might become one with God. HalleluYah!
You can download this album “Our Eyes Are On You” from our website:http://www.envisionmission.org/media