Servant Leader

This song is called, “Your Attitude Should Be”. It’s taken from Philippians 2:5-11 which is considered to be a hymn of the early church concerning Jesus the Christ. The hymn describes Jesus as being God, but becoming human and even taking the nature of a servant. He emptied Himself and was even willing to die on a cross. He was and is the ultimate servant leader.
Your attitude should be the same as his, the same as Jesus Christ. Who being in nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped. But made Himself nothing, taking the nature of a servant.
That’s where we got the idea of “serving” in government or “serving” in the school system. Jesus taught the world that to serve God and others is to be great. By putting aside his rights, becoming as nothing, he conquered the world, went right into death and conquered it, and was thus given the greatest name of all. So to serve is the greatest thing we can do.
How do we do that for each other? The first verses of that chapter describe us not looking only to our own interests but also to the interests of others. We could even consider others as better than ourselves.
The thing is, then God Himself will also raise us up. In Jesus’ case, even though He became human, He is worthy to be called the Lord of the universe. I hope you have made him your Lord also because He has surely demonstrated His great love for all of us, even though we treated Him like He didn’t really matter, or even worse. But that kind of love conquers! That is what being a servant leader is all about.
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