
“Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless.” Martin Luther King Jr.
When does human life and personhood begin? If one is declared dead when heart beat and brain waves die, can we not say that life should at least be declared when heartbeat and brainwaves begin?
Is Texas therefore wrong then in outlawing abortion at 12 weeks, when those 2 things are clearly present? We ought to all uphold women’s rights, but what if we are also dealing with a separate person? Don’t they have rights too?
I agree when people say we cannot legislate morality, but also I agree with Dr. King that we must have moral legislation. There is no neutral legislation. Those that want better laws for distributing wealth to the poor also want moral legislation. We all do, otherwise we will only have immoral legislation.
If we say that it is not a person if it is dependent on others, what do we do with disabled folks who are dependent on others, let them die? Have we become that utilitarian? Is this not a human life worth living?
What of those who have had abortions then? Are they guilty of murder? Yes, but so am I when I have hated another human being, according to Jesus’ teaching. So we’re all guilty, not just some lady who is struggling, who needs compassion, but all of us. We all need God’s grace that I believe can only be found in receiving forgiveness from the One who said, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” Trusting in the One who died for our sins and rose again on the third Day- Jesus- is our only hope in my opinion. Then we can forgive each other in a very divisive time.
What do you think?