03 Jun

Real Life

What is real life like for you? A lot of times on Facebook and Instagram we post what we want people to see. I want to do a few blogs and posts about the things we don’t necessarily want others to see.

One of those aspects is when we do something we’re not proud of, like yelling at our kids. Now I’m all for discipline that helps our kids grow and teaches them to respect authority, take responsibility for their actions, and do the right thing. But sometimes we are trying to control our kids to make us look better, or taking out our bad mood on them. God forgive us when we do that. The picture below is an example:

Why is it that we want to post things that make us look good? One of the results of this phenomenon is that we can easily start comparing ourselves to each other and become really self-defeating about how good of parents we are. Say you see some old friends with their kids and the kids are well dressed, well behaved, everyone is smiling and it looks like one big happy family. Is that how it is all the time?

Do we ever just put on some coffee or tea and pop over for a visit? Oh my, they might see what my house looks like normally!!! Well, is that so bad?

I’m really into authentic community in Jesus, but I have to start first with my family. See our vision on the other parts of the website: http://www.envisionmission.org/About

After we do that well in marriage and with kids, then we can also do that authentic community thing with others. Now that’s real life!

And I believe Jesus Christ is the key to authentic community because He restores that with us and therefore with one another by loving us while we were His enemies, so we can do the same with others by His power.