Postmodernism is Dead #3

Postmoderism is Dead: Truth exists whether our perception of it is accurate or not. I believe truth is a Person: Jesus Christ. And He does not change with what people want or don’t want.
Now folks can disagree with that, of course. But if we are not free to share a dissenting opinion and our reasons why, then we are well on our way to a Nazi type of society. Only narrow views can be shared in public life without threat of being sidelined. Historically such things start as a taboo. Then they affect economics. And then they become matters of life and death. Time is the only part of the recipe that is needed from there.
I for one will not bow my knee to this new morality. I will question it respectfully whatever the consequences. The consequences of not doing so are far worse not only for me but especially for my children and grandchildren.
Now when I ask if I can share the Gospel with folks I’m frequently told to “go away!” And when I ask if people have read the New Testament I’m frequently told, “No, and I never will! But Jesus would never do what you’re doing right now.” And when I ask how they know that if they’ve never read the New Testament I only get a more adamant answer: “I know enough to know that much about Jesus. He just told us all to do good and that all religions were the same.” It strikes me as unbelievably blind, dogmatic and intolerant to refuse to read the words of a Teacher and then claim you know more about him than those who have spent their entire lives being mastered by him. But that is the climate I’m finding myself in. (final part next time…)