Postmodernism is Dead 2

Postmodernism is Dead: In a presidential debate Al Gore and George W Bush struck the media by how similar they were in their stances and how much they agreed. Both stayed close to the center and they had a close election because of that fact.
But folks began to react to what was perceived as a more leftist agenda from Barak Obama. Young people sought social justice without connection to history. By the time Trump was elected debates were anything but ambiguous. Folks reacted to each other more and more, especially getting into corners of the “ring” through social media. Here they could hear their own views echoed back to them over and over. And they didn’t have to have discussion with those they disagreed with.
So now the Woke contingency holds the moral high ground in the culture. They have started a moral revolution that entered into the vacuum of Post-modernism’s lack of a place to stand. What does that mean? It means that a new morality has arisen, that has no connection to historically what is considered truth. It is a new truth that if anyone contradicts they are black-listed. They are kept from speaking on the media, at universities, kept from playing roles in Hollywood, kept from jobs, kept from being able to voice their opinion.
The new morality is dogmatic and will eventually lead to more violence from both sides of the “ring”. It suggests that gender definitions are entirely defined by an individual’s whim. Those who are white and male should have no voice because they’ve had the only voice for too long. Those with Conservative views are bigots, haters and ought to be silenced. Even if prejudice or aggression is perceived by an individual then that perception is absolute truth and cannot be questioned. All religions must be the same, all positions must be equal. All financial advantage must be relinquished to those without it, and anything less is unjust. (more next time…)