26 Jun

Lessons from India Part 3

(This is a photo of my friends Joshuva and Martin.  Often we had chai together and visited in the hot afternoons in India.  I miss them very much because they became like family to Timothy and I while we were there.)

Take the time

Although our friends in India work hard and are busy, they also take a lot of time for the Holy Spirit.  Right now I’m sitting on my couch, resting, writing this on my day off.  I’m thinking about how busy I get and mostly because I say yes to a lot of requests from folks.  It’s all really good stuff, but how can we slow down and live at a healthy pace?  God help us learn how to do that.

Let’s cherish the time we do have with family and friends.  I’m sure Jesus knew how to do that on earth.  He certainly still knows how to do it from Heaven.  Shalom and blessings to all who read this in His Name.