Busy Life
What are the effects of a busy life?
It makes it difficult to keep up on basic things, like keeping your desk clean. Here’s a picture of my home desk: pretty pathetic.

When one is trying to keep track of a lot of details, if one gets behind, there can be a lot of clutter. The brain can become cluttered. Usually that affects our ability to stay organized in our home. Our outward lives reflect our inward lives.
I do take comfort in the thought that geniuses usually have messy desks. But that doesn’t mean those with messy desks are all geniuses.
Our culture is very fast-paced and few of us like that, but we all don’t know what to do to stop it. So what do we do with a busy life?
One of the things I notice about the early Christians according to Acts 2 in the Holy Bible, is that they praised God with simplicity of heart. That simplicity of heart led them to share with each other and from the text it seems that they had simple lives. Simplicity of heart leads to simplicity of life.
How to we obtain simplicity of heart? The same way these early Christians did: by trusting the simple Gospel. God loves us in Jesus and so we don’t have to worry. We don’t have to go after what the world goes after. We don’t have to prove ourselves.
God proved that He loves us by sending His Word in human form- Jesus- taking on all the stuff in us that causes the problems in this world, putting it to death on the cross, reversing it in His Resurrection, and giving us His Spirit to give us peace!
That’s what Envision is about also- you can read about us in the About section of our website: http://www.envisionmission.org/about