16 May

The Narrative- the Last Days


Will we have food pills in the future?  What do you think?  I’m skipping to the last few parts of the Narrative, which deals with the Last Days.  That is usually the last topic in Systematic theology books, but I want to present a theory as to how things could be in the Last Days, not as a prediction, but as a way of getting us thinking:


“You said that the adversary would not attack in the West with a direct onslaught, not yet.  Does this mean that someday he will?”

“Many in the West do not even acknowledge invisible things.  That wind is changing in this time.  It has been to the advantage of the enemy for people not to believe in the spiritual world.  But later there will be many manifestations both good and evil, and the enemy will use that even more to their advantage.”


Before the dialogue continues the teacher takes a drink from his glass of water and then sits up straight again.  They proceed…


“Explain how it will be in the future, even in the last days.”

“Imagine a woman named Elizabeth, many years in the future.  Maybe this is how it will be for many in those days:

“Elizabeth was an American who lived after the fall of America from its position of power.  A nuclear attack on the east coast had devastated the US powers.  The economy crashed into oblivion.  Natural disasters abounded: earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and tornadoes.  All these crippled her power also.  An outbreak of disease unstoppable; terror attacks, unpredictable all added up to the downfall of the States.  After the world wars, China; however, with the upsurge of the good message, became the next superpower.  America took her place with Europe as a secondary nation, even as a set of nations; no longer a great empire.  Now the days came of prosperity for China and she ruled the world.  But, as in America, the prosperity blinded her.  She became apathetic, polluted, arrogant and careless.

“After many had learned to speak Mandarin, the Message had turned to the Middle East, and Christianity became the preferred religion of China, but it lost its vitality.  Every Chinese leader claimed to be a Christian.  It was the popular thing to do, in order to get votes and gain prestige.  Once again the real followers of I AM went underground, as it was before Communism took its place as a secondary party.

“Now the Islamic world had become peaceful towards its Christian neighbors and learned to live in peace even with the Jews.  An accord was made between Israel and Palestine; two states living without war or insurgency.  The three major religions had learned to live peacefully together again.  After the world wars were settled nuclear weapons, which had been used on many occasions and nearly devastated much of the world, were disdained and there was much negotiation about disarming, but no one was yet willing.

“During the world war there was a great awakening in Israel of Jews receiving the Son of I AM as Messiah who would return.  Because Israel and America had Islamic countries as a common enemy for so long, and there was so much love from I AM’s followers for the Jewish people, their hearts were won over.  The Chinese followers had led the way for peace in the Middle East.

“But in time in all the nations of the earth a new philosophy was arising, a new optimism.  The philosophy of humanitarian tolerance, world peace, and self-actualization reemerged and spread widely.  The idea that all religions were the same and led to the same end became more and more popular throughout the world.  It was in that time that Elizabeth lived, when most people spoke of peace and harmony, of the divine spark within and the promise of Utopia.  The League of Nations had grown strong and a new facilitator was elected who was Jewish by birth, part Arab and Roman Catholic in religion.  His name was Orenam, and many marveled at his abilities to bring peoples together.

“Elizabeth was also Jewish, living in America, yet she believed in the Son of I AM as Messiah.  Her parents had taught her well the things of I AM.  Yet both of them were euthanized in their old age and though she resisted it, she could legally do nothing to stop her government from terminating their lives.  She never married, for there were few who shared her convictions.  The few who did met together in their homes, taking turns, eating meals, singing softly, since they all lived in high rise apartments.  People didn’t appreciate their songs there and complained if they became too loud.  Only the rich owned homes and yards by that time and the population had increased so that every square inch of land was overcrowded, except very controlled areas of farmland.  That is of course why the government had implemented restrictions on child-bearing, age limits, and especially terminating pregnancies with any disabilities or defects.

“Bio-engineering zygotes was encouraged in those days; part of ‘evolutionary progress’.  Elizabeth often questioned whether it was progressive to allow ‘beasta-sexuals’ and ‘peda-sexuals’ (those supposedly born with the desire to have sex with animals and children, since there was chemical differences found in the brain between such persons in contrast to heterosexuals just as there had been differences found in the case of homosexuals and polygamists) to practice their life-styles legally as long as there was mutual consent.  But her opinions were not popular in her time, so they did not carry the day in the age of ‘true democracy’.

“It was in that age that the new spirit of the times took hold.  Orenam simply announced it officially through the mental waves.  ‘We are all one, all from God and returning to God.  If we can simply believe in ourselves, love ourselves unconditionally, and find the power within, we can accomplish anything.  Just as Jesus taught, God is within us.  We just need to open our eyes.  Mohammed, Moses, Jesus, Gandhi, Buddha, all had the same revelation of God.  If we can open our eyes we will all see clearly.  God lives in us.  This is enlightenment, salvation, and peace.  All religions worship the same God.  All roads lead to heaven.  Think of history.  So many wars have been fought because of the dividing walls between people and faiths; but we can have world peace if we just believe.  Be like a child, just as the prophets say.  Let’s put aside our nuclear weapons.  Let’s put aside our differences and focus on our common belief in love, in God, in peace, in right belief, right thinking, right knowledge and make the holy pilgrimage to our destiny.  If we all join together we can make it happen!’

“And the nations applauded uproariously.  After these great speeches all the nations publically disarmed their nuclear weapons.  Militaries were done away with.  They simply became part of the new world police.  War would be no more, it was said.  And everyone knew it had taken place because of Orenam’s message.

“Then came the assassination attempt.  Orenam nearly died after he was shot.  Everyone prayed and believed.  Everyone hoped for his healing in the world by hoping in the common spirit of man, which was said to be the true god, and he was healed according to the best world doctors.  When he returned to his office, he claimed to have an even deeper revelation, especially of Jesus’ teachings.

“The assassinator had been a self-proclaimed Christian.  Orenam pardoned him, forgave him and restored his finances, winning him over.  Many news waves questioned how Orenam would respond to the criticism from Orthodox Christians, Jews and Muslims, but especially Christians since Orenam had originally claimed that religion.  Orenam gave a speech that convinced many and would change history forever:

“’In my near death experience I saw light and spoke to God and Jesus and Moses and Buddha and Ghandi and Mohammed, all in a great assembly.  They told me that Jesus’ teachings were the most important, but that these were all the teachings of the great teachers, if men would only have eyes to see.  Jesus was the Messiah, and he came in many forms and has come again in all of humanity.  We have to come to a new day; the return of the Christ in the hearts of all men, if we are willing.  When Jesus Christ came the first time they rejected him because they hardened their hearts and did not see.  Let’s not make the same mistake again.  Of course it is not as we expected.  But let’s soften our hearts and receive the message of God, through all of his prophets: love.

“’If we just love God, ourselves, all others; if we will just come together for peace; if we will just realize that he lives in us already, give to the poor, turn the other cheek, love our enemies, love our families, love our neighbors, respect each other, stop killing each other, stealing and judging each other, we can reach enlightenment, salvation and peace.  It’s right before us.  Will we take it?’

“Many other words like these were used and millions of Christians, Jews, and Muslims praised Orenam’s teachings and some even called him the ‘new Messiah’.

“That belief slowly grew as the nations of the world no longer fought and Orenam’s teaching spread to every city by mental waves, the new great technology.

“Jews were asking, ‘What else are we looking for?  He appeals to Moses and Torah often.  He is Jewish.  He ushers in world peace.  He is the Messiah, isn’t he?’  Christians said the same.  Muslims agreed, since he encouraged the five pillars as well.  Buddhists and Hindus paid homage almost without exception.  There was much happiness in the world in that time.

“But Elizabeth questioned the ideas Orenam presented, even secretly calling him the anti-Messiah.  Some who also were in her group decided she was crazy and narrow-minded.  Only a few remained in her group.  And there were others like them in the world, but not many.

“In a few years Orenam was invited to mosques, churches and synagogues worldwide.  The Jewish community hailed him the Messiah by that time.  It was then that he announced his plan to build a sacred temple of God.  In three years’ time he did so, and built a throne.  In his speech he then said ‘To help us understand that God lives in us all and that we are all sons of God, I’m going to sit on this throne humbly.  Not because I’m any better than the rest of you, but as an example to you.’  He did so.  ‘And I declare to you that I am the Son of God and so are you.  We are all the Son of God, all a part of the great divinity.’

“He was applauded.  People came and paid homage to him.  The Pope even bowed before him.  Over the next few years Orenam was given power to govern the nations as King.  He claimed to be the servant King of kings, a President to the Presidents, even a god to all his fellow gods, being careful to recognize that the One God lives in all.  Many coins and dollars were soon made with his inscription and all the identity waves were required to transfer under his governance in order to function in the market place.

“Now came the test for Elizabeth.  She struggled about what to do.  She had the identity circuit in her wrist from the American government, but she never felt comfortable with it.  Should she transfer her identity waves to Orenam and his one world government system?

“She refused.  But this meant she would have to run away from her place of residence and go into hiding.  She found an abandoned church building that was a hiding place for others as well, in the more dangerous part of her city.  But she and those who were with her were tracked down by the police and taken in for questioning.