12 Dec

Oh My Darlin’

Above: Rochelle and I singing at Over Easy Restaurant

To understand my love for music it might be helpful to know that I appreciate music when it is very raw, not overproduced, but just an acoustic guitar and a voice.  I even like a few mistakes to come through instead of having a polished sound.  I probably got that from listening to very old Mississippi Delta blues music a lot in my childhood, but that’s what I love, so now you know.

If folks want to access music on the website they need only go to the media page and follow the instructions to download or send us an e-mail and we’ll send a code to do so.

The song “Oh My Darlin” is from the “Jimmy Rig” album on the website, and it was written for Rochelle, my wife.  It’s in an old timey style and sometimes I’ll sing it for her on our anniversary.  Hope you enjoy it:

“Oh my darlin’ loves me and I love her, oh my darlin’ is my very best friend

Oh my darlin’ she brightens up my days when she looks at me and smiles again

Oh my darling, come with me, we will go to a place far away

Sing a love song, sing with glee, we will sing ’til the break of day…”